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Racehorse Pre-Training



We pre-train your horses with the aim to improve your horse’s symmetry and balance, creating a stronger, more balanced racehorse.

We will create a specialised program for your racehorse using our cross-training techniques. This program will be built around your thoroughbreds asymmetries. By working on these patterns and improving them, will enable them to have more relaxation, suppleness. strength and ultimately SPEED. 

Long term it will give MORE LONGEVITY in their CAREER.

The use of incorporating these training techniques will be greatly beneficial for your horse’s development in both their body and mind.

We will educate your horses mind to develop the ability to relax throughout their training with confidence. Spending the time to fix the problems, create manners so you can both see and feel their improvement. Our focus on correct balance will improve their speed, endurance and longevity.

Our training will benefit a racehorse during any stage of its training as we work on the development of symmetry and balance for their physique at any age.

With our previous success in training horses and our experience with backing horses of all types - we believe we can give you a stronger and better balanced horse; set up to both physically and mentally to advance through it’s on track training and racing career.

The service we provide is the most beneficial for the start of any racing prep. It can also be a great alternative to a water walker holiday between racing preparations.

Your horse would be kept in their own private paddocks or stables, rugged and tended to as they would in a racing environment.

We can keep them fit with daily training in our approach to create a balanced, comfortable and confident racehorse.

If your horse is having behavioral issues, our process is built on respect and trust. We can determine what needs to be done and work on a program to amend your horse’s issue.

In conjuction with the stand alone training we do with horses we can also maintain their fitness with daily sessions on our treadmill. So while we are working on the horses bio-mechanical or their balance patterns we won't lose the valuable fitness that has already been put into them. 

Weanling Foundation Training

Our weanling foundation training program takes approximately 3 weeks, this consists of catching, tying up (straight tie & cross tie), rugging, leading, hosing and any other issues your young athlete may have that will prevent them from moving forward in a confident manner.

We have a unique method of teaching young horses to tie up.

For us, it’s not about them just being fixed to a solid object and staying still, it is them understanding and accepting the whole process along the way.

Our system gives your horse the confidence to be left by themselves and be easily handled in any given situation.

Our extremely safe ‘give and take’ system enables all horses to be educated to the process without any kind of skeletal damage.

Our Cavesson Work

Cavesson work is essential in the earliest stages of preparing a horse for a racing career.

This part of our training program establishes relaxation first.

If your horses are not breathing in their training, the Parade Ring will be so overwhelming, the focus on the whole job at hand, racing successfully, will be lost.

Lengthening and relaxing of the body and mind starts here.

We work on re-training the contracted muscles, developing the bascule of the horses topline

After relaxation, we commence the development process of symmetry - both at the halt and forward into walk. 

The components that we address are –

 The diagnosis of longitudinal, lateral and diagonal balance in the horse. The diagnosis of these symmetry issues are an
integral part of enabling the horses to develop to maximum potential.

  •  The diagnosis of longitudinal, lateral and diagonal balance in the horse. The diagnosis of these symmetry issues are an integral part of enabling the horses to develop to maximum potential.

  • How and when to initiate the bio-mechanical changes to improve the horse’s symmetry.

  • How to maintain the horses balance as the locomotion increases into the gallop phas

  • The importance of teaching the pushing action in preparation for the gallop.

  • Our Lunge Training

    Lunging is an integral part of our training system.

    Using the lunge, we commence their locomotion (movement) whilst they maintain a more relaxed, balance, symmetrical posture.

    It is the first time we get to see the ‘natural balance’ of your horse while they’re moving.

    The ‘natural balance’ is the balance that the horse travels in naturally, without any influence from us; this can be a longitudinal, lateral or diagonal balance.

    We then get to make more of a diagnosis of where we have to address our training.

    The natural asymmetrical pattern of the racehorse in training is not going to be beneficial to them on a racecourse.

    We have to show them the posture they need to give them the added advantage over the rest of the field. 

    It is also the time that we get to assess the muscular development of the horse.

    The addition our cavelletti (elevated pole work) training, enables us to teach the horses to carry themselves correctly.

    This ultimately gives them soundness and longevity, allowing them to learn how to organize their bodies and develop strength in a way that is conducive with carrying a jockey with speed and safety.

    Our Mouthing Process

    Our Mouthing Process can be broken down into 4 easy to understand components –


    When we talk about the word “contact” we are talking about the connection between the horse’s mouth, through the hand via the reins, to the bit.

    Leading on from this is the horse’s “acceptance of the contact”. In essence, the question is “how confident is your racehorse on the jockey’s or track riders aids?”

    Confidence comes from understanding what the bit is used for and what the rein aids are, this enables the horses to gallop confidently into the connection.

    We can aid in the fixing of issues such as -
    *Tongue Issues
    *Opening of the mouth
    *Locked mouth or jaw
    *Bridling issues


    There are 3 types of balance to consider:

  • Longitudinal (forwards and backwards)

  • Lateral (left and right)

  • Diagonal (left front/right hind or vice versa)

  • The diagnosis of these symmetry issues are an integral part of enabling the horses to develop to maximum potential.

    Without balance, the racehorse WILL NOT be able to use its body for strength and speed as it was designed to do.



    It is essential that the racehorse has the ability to symmetrically bend left and right.

    Bend is the lateral flexion of the horse’s neck in front of the wither.

    During our training this will progressively be developed with exercises to enable the horses to –

  • Learn to gallop confidently and symmetrically.

  • Have developed a healthy pattern of locomotion before speed is introduced.

  • Enable longevity in your racehorse’s career.


    After the first 3 steps have been established, we will teach the horse to extend the neck.

    This will be in a forward and lengthening position. Exactly what you are looking for in the final furlong to the finishing post.

    Here is where you DO NOT want contracted body muscles!

    We will teach your horse to stretch its top line muscles without losing BALANCE. 

    This will impact on the action and development of the core muscles to enhance the strength, bascule and SPEED.

    Our In Hand Training

    Our In-Hand work leads directly on from our “Mouthing Process”.

    Once horses are confident with all the initial mouthing exercises, both from the front and from the sides (left and right) we can add in locomotion.

    That is, walking while working on the contact, balance, bend and neck extension.

    Initially it will just be working on stop, go, turn left and turn right, you can begin circles, counter bend turns, rein-back and transitions and sharpening the horses for the next part of their training.

    All these excercises aid in developing the horses symmetry so they can then use both side of their bodies equally when they need to.

    If one side fatigues, they can change leads and have just as much strength and co-ordination = SPEED on their other side.


    By educating in this way there is no physical impact on the horse’s skeletal development. 

    We can get more done at an earlier age with very little impact on the development of the skeleton.


    Our Ridden Prep Work

    Once we get to the ridden stage it is an exciting time for us as it is the time we can hand a strong sensible youngster over to move into the next part of their training.

    They are confident, forward and straight.

    Commencing their training at an early age without as much weight-bearing, enables the muscles to strengthen around the skeleton.


    These facets enable unconditional longevity in the career of ANY racehorse.

    Aiding ALL racehorses to reach their FULL POTENTIAL! 


    Check out the changes we have been able to make in these young thoroughbred racehorses.

    AIDING THEM to REACH their FULL POTENTIAL and RACE COMPETETIVLY for many, many years! 

    Not Approved

    Age: 4

    Breeding: Magnus / Sandoras Dolly

    Reason for Training: To improve her balance and her steering.

    Maggie's beginning her racehorse pre-training

    When Not Approved aka Maggie arrived she was inverted and unable to carry herself in locomotion. We put the Thoroughbreds on the lunge to see how they move WITHOUT a riders assistance.

    Maggie during our cavesson work to correct her posture and balance

    To aid in developing the horses balance we use the cavesson to teach them to lengthen their necks. This in turn gets the horses engaging their core muscles, stretching their toplines and flexing their pelvis.

    All for the gallop phase!!

    Leanne taking Maggie through our mouthing process to encourage relaxation and bend

    Our Mouthing process educates the horses to the instructions of the bit.

    Giving them understanding and confidence to follow the bit where-ever the jockeys hand position it.

    Greater understanding - quicker responses!

    More Winners!!

    Leanne in the arena taking Maggie through our in-hand work to continue working on her relaxation and posture while in locomotion

    The work we do In Hand educates the mouth, teaching the thoroughbreds to follow the bit bit easier. Teaching them to move in balance

    Maggie getting lunged to work on her fitness and posture while in locomotion

    What we want to see is the racehorses naturally stretching around the line of a circle. Reaching for the contact.

    All in relaxation!! Ready to race!!

    Maggie winning at the races

    The WINNING post is what we want to see!! 




    Reason for Training: To improve his posture with the lordosis he was born with.

    Mojo starting his pre-racing training

    Mojo was born with a condition called Lordosis (and advanced curvature of the spine) He came to us to create the best posture possible and to continue his journey to becoming a racehorse.

    Mojo going through his cavesson work to encourage him to stretch his neck and push from his hind legs

    We started with our normal process of stretching his topline by lengthening his neck with the neck extension in our cavesson work. This aids in the engagement of his core muscles and the development of his strength.

    Mojo vasculing over the cavaletti jumps

    We used the cavelletti training on the lunge to aid in him lifting his legs higher which in turn creates more strength and stability through the torso and lifting of the top line.

    Mojo telescoping whilst cantering on the lunge

    The canter work was very important for Mojo on the lunge. The canter being a 3 beat pace is the only pace which naturally rounds the spine during each stride. This is hugely important to create the push from the hind legs.

    Mojo bending in our mouthing process

    Our Mouthing process not only educates the mouth for more fine tuned steering but also creates a more independent head and neck from the torso. This enables the whole body to be used to maximum efficiency, not just the pulling of the front legs. 

    Sunset in the mountains

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus quia, nulla! Maiores et perferendis eaque, exercitationem praesentium nihil.


    Age: 4

    Breeding: Written Tycoon

    Reason for Training: To create the best posture and balance for racing.

    Week 1 of Bob's racehorse pre-training

    Bob came to us as a very BIG young horse, his posture was not ideal for him to stay sound long term as a racehorse. 
    His natural balance on the lunge was inverted and contracted.

    Bob being lunged over the cavaletti jumps

    We used the cavelletti training on the lunge to aid in changing his posture so that he lengthened his neck, lifted his core muscles and developed the pushing action of the hind legs.

    Bob undergoing our cavesson work to correct his balance and posture

    The cavesson work showed him how to stretch his neck, lengthen his topline and flex his pelvis. Here we added in improving his balance to aid the pushing action of the hind legs.

    Bob working through our mouthing process to encourage relaxation

    Our Mouthing process not only educates the mouth for more fine tuned turning it also improves the balance, stretches the body laterally both left and right creating symmetry. This is so important for the gallop pace!

    Bob being lunged in the arena to work on his athleticism and fitness while continuing to encourage balance and coordination

    The cantering on the lunge is a vital part of the training as it is the only pace which has the action of naturally rounding the spine. The engaging of the core muscles aids this plus the improving the action of flexing the pelvis.

    Bob being ridden with him moving bio-mechanically correct

    Once Bob was in to the ridden prep he was strong in his body. Long and telescoping in the neck and his body was set up for longevity.


    Age: 3


    Reason for Training:  To create relaxation and improve posture.

    Danny at the start of his racehorse pre-training

    When Danny arrived he was an extremely, young anxious horse who was racing but not successfully. 
    He was weak and very inverted.

    Danny going through our cavesson work to help improve his balance and posture

    In the initial stage of his training with us his anxiety levels were very, very high. Our cavesson work enabled us to teach him that it did not have to be this way. We were able to teach him to lower and lengthen his neck and start to breathe.

    Leanne taking Danny through our mouthing process to help his relaxation and bend

    We then introduced our Mouthing Process, teaching him to relax his mouth to the bit and reach into it instead of trying to escape it.
    This creates the correct development of his muscles for racing.

    Danny going through our in-hand process to continue working on is posture and balance in locomotion

    Our In Hand work takes our Mouthing process into locomotion. We are still asking him to lengthen his neck to the bridle not contract behind the bit. We also keep working on his breathing and relaxation.

    Danny being lunged to work on his posture and balance in locomotion

    As the work on the lunge improves we can start to see the relaxation, the length of stride getting longer, the neck lengthening and his confidence building.

    Danny being ridden in a nice telescoped posture

    The last part of the training is the ridden component where we can see all the benefits of the work that has been completed previously. 
    Unfortunately the damage to Dannys' knees  from his bad posture was too significant for him to return to racing,
    We find this really sad.

    My Dad Joe

    Age: 3

    Breeding: El Mahor

    Reason for Training: Joe was refusing to go out on the track to race.

    Joe at the start of his racehorse pre-training

    When Joe arrived he was inverted and contracted his natural balance was very, very poor. He was unable to carry himself at all.
    This is demonstrated here in the trot on the lunge 

    Joe being lunged over cavaletti jumps to to work on his coordination

    Our Cavelletti work aids the horses to improve their posture, organise their legs develop strength and develop more symmetry in their bodies.

    Joe going through our mouthing process to relaxation in his neck and jaw and  improve his bend

    Our Mouthing work with the horses develops their confidence in the bit & the bridle, improving the contact issues and educating the horses on how to respond to the aids confidently and correctly.

    Joe undergoing our in-hand work to continue working on balance and posture in locomotion

    Our In Hand work adds in locomotion to the Mouthing education, the horses are getting more confident in the organisation of their legs and this process teaches them how to carry themselves off the forehand.

    Joe being lunged to work on his fitness and to also allow him to gain familiarity with a saddle on his back

    The canter work on the lunge is a vital part in the horses developing the pushing phase of the stride in both directions before they move into the pulling phase of the gallop.

    Joe being ridden after his training and holding himself in a light and balanced posture

    We then put the horses under saddle with strong organised bodies so that they can go to the trainers and start their speed work.

    Sub Gauge

    Age: 5

    Breeding: Star Craft

    Reason for Training: To improve his balance and posture. He was VERY on the forehand and not using his body correctly. His knees were suffering the result of this.

    Sub Gauge's posture in walk on arrival.

    Sub Gauge's posture in walk after 4 weeks training.

    Click the box below to check out Sub Gauge's racing results. 

    He came to us on (Date) and had his first race back after being with us on (date). Check out how much his results have improved!

    Click HERE to View Results on Racing.com


    Age: 3

    Breeding: Golden Snake / 

    Reason for Training: Improve her ground handling and overall posture.

    Diamanda at the races
    Diamanda and her jockey after their race
    Diamanda winning the race

    Diamanda's Story 

    Click the box below to check out Diamanda's racing results!

    Click HERE to View Results on Racing.com




    Reason for Training: To set het body up more correctly for a successful racing career.

    Sunset in the mountains

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus quia, nulla! Maiores et perferendis eaque, exercitationem praesentium nihil.

    Sunset in the mountains

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus quia, nulla! Maiores et perferendis eaque, exercitationem praesentium nihil.

    Click the box below to check out Bethpage's racing results!

    Click HERE to View Results on Racing.com

    Check our Reviews out...

    I have sent two horses to her for re-education. Leanne has a vast amount of experience in the Equestrian Industry and has a great understanding in regards to horses fitness, movement, temperament, nutrition and care

    Michael Hibbs -

    Michael Hibbs Racing

    Leanne has assisted me with the training and preparation of my racehorses. She is very trustworthy and a highly competent horsewoman and she has demonstrated a thorough understanding of all aspects of racehorse training and management.

    Stefan Seketa

    St Elmo Racing

    Leanne promotes ethical racehorse training for success and longevity. With her emphasis on equine welfare starting from the beginning, racehorses produced are well conditioned, balanced, healthy individuals. Highly recommend!!

    Tracey Cullen Racing

    We have had many young colts and fillies with Leanne. Her passion for making sure horses are turned out post pre training is a credit to herself and her team. Leanne treats each horse with an appropriate individual plan, allowing each horse to succeed to their full potential. It would be my pleasure to recommend Leanne and her team to look after all types of horses for pre-training before they move onto their full campaign.

    Paul Murray

    Racehorse Owner

    At Avoca Park my mare was very well treated with kindness and patience both of which are afforded to every horse that enters the establishment. With thoroughbreds this is even more important

    I learned that one of Leanne’s strengths was to make sure that all horses at the property were given the chance to relax and feel comfortable. These included horses sent there from the stables of some well-regarded racehorse trainers who entrust the care of the horse/s to Leanne for spelling. Many of these trainers have sent horses to Leanne several times. Knowing full well that the horse would come back feeling truly relaxed and in top physical condition.

    Michael Binney -

    Michael Binney Racing

    I couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress our weanling made after going through the foundation and pre-training program. The team’s attention to detail is incredible, and their personalized approach ensured that our colt developed the confidence and skills needed to succeed. From groundwork to early handling, they laid an amazing foundation for his future as a racehorse. I feel more confident than ever that we’re starting this journey on the right foot. Highly recommend to any owner looking to give their horse the best start possible!

    Peter Merritt

    Racehorse Owner

    Having worked with several trainers over the years, I can honestly say this is the best start my horses have ever had. Our filly went through their weanling foundation and pre-training services, and the results speak for themselves. She was calm, well-mannered, and quickly developed the physical strength and confidence needed for her next steps. Avoca Park's team’s experience and care really shine through in their work. It’s clear they understand the horse’s needs, both mentally and physically. I will absolutely be bringing my future prospects here!

    Rod McKenzie

    Racehorse Owner

    As a first-time owner, I was nervous about where to start with my weanling. After seeing the care and professionalism of this program, I’m so glad I chose them. Their foundation and pre-training services provided the perfect balance of structure and patience, allowing my colt to thrive without feeling rushed. He’s already showing impressive signs of maturity and focus, and I’m excited to see how he develops in the next stages of training. It’s reassuring to know he’s in such good hands.

    Lisa Wilcox

    Racehorse Owner

    I’ve had multiple horses go through early training programs, but none have had the kind of start that our recent colt got here. From day one, the team made sure he received everything he needed: proper socialization, physical conditioning, and mental preparation. They really take the time to get to know each horse individually, and it’s clear that they’re committed to producing the best possible outcome. I’ve already seen a noticeable improvement in his temperament and attitude, and I’m looking forward to what the future holds for him."

    Greg Vanderbuilt

    Racehorse Owner
