Avoca Cardinal (Sam)’s Story

On an extremely hot Summers day in Melbourne a float arrived at Avoca Park to deliver us a Clydesdale cross broodmare that we were going to borrow to put to a Thoroughbred stallion called Delamore Echo that upcoming breeding season.

My friend Ann was the driver and the owner of the mare, her mare, Rose had also arrived with a foal at foot who was to be delivered back to the stallion owner once weaned.

We opened the back of the float and this 3 day old foal was lying flat out in the middle of the float with his gorgeous Dam having placed all her four feet in separate corners of the float having missed her precious foal completely.

We went back to collect Rose and her foal a few months later and boy had he grown, and he was still this amazing and very unusual bay roan. We thought that with his foal coat shift he might change colour but no, not the case at all, he was still this very bright, amazing coloured bay roan.

We decided we should give the foal a name and so it became Sam.

The time came for us to wean him and deliver him back to his owner, after much discussion we decided we would offer the owner some money and see if he would like to sell him, he said yes and so began the development of who was to become our first stallion


⭐️ Avoca Cardinal was 17hh (Thunder x Gravanne Rose) 3/4 Clydesdale X 1/4 Thoroughbred

⭐️ A fabulous cross to put over any breed of mare. Combining the: ✔️ temperament ✔️ bone ✔️ strength of the Clydesdale, with the lightness and energy of other breeds creating a super performance horse.

⭐️ Cardinal was out of a mare who also produced Avoca Eclipse (Delamore Echo x Gravanne Rose), Pretzel (x Gravanne Rose) who both competed FEI – Pretzel with a young rider and Conspiracy Theory (Delamore Echo x Gravanne Rose) who competed 2* eventing.

⭐️Cardinal displayed 

Correct conformation 



All that resulted in him competing successfully in dressage up to Elementary – with many wins and 9s! He went on to eventing and finished up at the Agricultural Shows winning many Championships and Supreme Championships in the Clydesdale Cross and All Breeds rings.

⭐️He has produced over 50 foals which have gone on to varying disciplines, successful in EA, HRCAV and PCAV.

⭐️His son Avoca Solomon is an FEI level dressage competitor and is available for viewing at Avoca Park.

⭐️We can attest that Cardinal’s wonderful temperament stamp blessed his progeny every single time.

⭐️Frozen Semen Available at $550 24hr LFG + expenses

⭐️Please email info@avocapark.com.au for more details

Avoca Cardinal’s Gallery


Some of Avoca Cardinal’s Progeny….