Full course or a CPR update to existing first aid qualifications available. Students will need to complete the work book before attendance date.
Our course is a nationally registered course. It is normally a 2 day course, based on the old style level 2. The new qualification is done on one day with the participants doing a workbook prior to the day and bringing it with them.
The work book is day 1 of the course. The day in class expands the content of the book, including scenarios and practical scenarios.
The certificate is valid for 3 years. However to keep it current you must do the CPR component every year. This is done in the form of a yearly re-accreditation session and skills maintenance.
The full course costs $220 per person; this includes workbook and certificates which are valid in any workplace.
There is also the option of CPR re-accreditation, which if done annually the full course does not need to be done again as this covers a new certificate every year. CPR re-accreditation is $110 per person.
Registration is at 9.30am for a 10am start. CPR re-accreditation finishes at 12 noon with the full course finishing at 4pm.
Certificates are issued by Healthguard First Aid.